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Constitution of the Western (Isle of Man) Photographic Society

(Last amended May 2008)


Formation date


The Society was founded in 1979 under the original name of The Western Photographic Society.


Name of the Society


The name of the Society shall be The Western (Isle of Man) Photographic Society, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Society’.


The reference to the Isle of Man was added in 2004.


Aims and objectives of the Society

The Aims of the Society are:


To provide a vehicle through which photographers can meet to discuss, show and exhibit photography ,and explore and improve their skills in the medium through competitions and events.


To provide encouragement, support and advice to fellow photographers, including young photographers, as appropriate, to assist in the improvement of their skills and enhance their enjoyment of photography.


To promote photography and the work of the Society in ways deemed appropriate by the members and Committee of the Society.

To achieve these aims, the following Objectives have been identified:


The Society shall organise, publish and stage a regular programme of events as determined by the Committee of the Society.


Competitions organised by the Society shall be subject to conditions and rules as agreed by the membership at an Annual General Meeting.


The Society shall endeavour to provide a meeting room in Peel or its environs where the programme of events may take place.


The Society shall foster close relationships with other photographic and cultural organisations on the Isle of Man and elsewhere.


The Society may purchase, maintain and use any trophies, equipment or

other resources deemed necessary.


The Society shall hold an Annual Dinner or other event at which the year’s awards are made.

4 Membership.


The Committee may admit to membership any person, adult or child, who is

interested in the aims and objectives of the Society and who has applied to

become a member. The decision of the Committee upon any such application

shall be final.


The Committee may withdraw membership from any person deemed by a quorum of the Committee to have acted, behaved or otherwise been seen to act in any way which conflicts with the aims and objectives of the Society, or which may be seen to bring the Society into disrepute. The decision of the Committee upon any such matter shall be final.


Members do not need to be practicing photographers, or to participate in competitions, but the Society reserves the right to limit membership or attendance at special events to members who do participate actively, should any constraint require numbers to be restricted.


Only current members may participate in the Society’s competitions.


In the case of younger junior members, the Committee reserves the right to require a chaperone or exclude junior members for certain events. Conversely, the Society may organise special events exclusively for junior members, or prospective junior members of the Society.


Members are required to maintain any trophies won in good condition and to return them to the Society in good time for awarding at the next Annual Presentation.

5 Subscription


All members (excluding Honorary Life members) shall pay an annual subscription as agreed at the Annual General Meeting.

6 Committee


The general management and policy of the Society shall, subject to any resolutions by the members, be directed by a Committee which shall meet as often as shall be required but not less than four times a year.


The Committee shall consist of a minimum of five elected members, with honorary officers to be elected from, among and by the members at the Annual General Meeting. A quorum will be a minimum of 4 elected officers.


Whilst maintaining compliance with clause 6:II, the structure of the committee and number of honorary offices may be varied as may be deemed necessary by the members from time to time at the Annual General Meeting.


The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members when required. These members shall have the right to vote on the proposals of the Committee.


The Committee may establish sub-committees to deal with specific issues from time to time. Membership of any sub-committee may include ordinary members of the Society and external advisors. Such sub-committees should be chaired by a member of the main Committee, who regularly reports to the main Committee.


External advisors to any committee shall not have any voting rights.

7 Annual General Meeting


The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting at the end of the Annual Season. The date shall be decided and made available to members at the start of the season.


The agenda for the coming AGM and minutes of the last AGM shall be available to all members a minimum of 7 days prior to an AGM.

8 Financial matters


The Society shall hold funds to ensure its liquidity.


All monies raised or held by the Society shall be applied to further the aims and objectives of the Society.


The Treasurer shall keep proper books of accounts of the finances of the Society and shall submit annual accounts duly audited by the Auditor of the Society to the Annual General Meeting.


There shall be a Bank Account in the name of the Society from which withdrawals shall be made only upon cheques and authorities signed by at least two persons appointed for that purpose by the Committee.

9 Records


A true and accurate record should be kept of the Annual General Meeting and Committee Meetings.

10 Dissolution


The Society may, by a resolution passed at a general meeting of members, and by not less than three-quarters of those present and entitled to vote, decide to dissolve itself.


Any assets remaining upon such dissolution, after satisfying the debts and liabilities of the Society, shall not be distributed among the members but shall be distributed as the remaining members see fit.

11 Alterations


No alterations may be made to this Constitution except at an Annual or at a Special General meeting of members, of which notice to the members of the intended change shall be was given not less than 7 days beforehand.


Any matters arising not covered by this Constitution which needs immediate resolution shall be dealt with by the Committee and presented for ratification by members at a subsequent Annual General Meeting.


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